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Spanish Language & Cuban Salsa | Idioma español y salsa cubana!

Here's a breakdown of some of the español used in our classes to help you remember moves for Cuban Salsa (Casino).

To make it easier to understand the numerous combinations and their Spanish names, we recommend that our students record the combinations during class and review them attentively.

You can also search for these combinations online by typing the words followed by "Cuban Salsa combination" (e.g., Rodeo Cuban salsa combination) to find online video tutorials and demonstrations. This method will reinforce your learning by connecting the words with visual demonstrations. Let us know if you want more on this topic!

Beginners 1 & 2

Directional Moves:

Al Centro "To the centre" - move forwards and backwards in a close hold

Arriba "Forward" - In Rueda, move in the direction the leader is facing

Abajo "to the Back" step backwards, or in Rueda, reverse the current direction


Dile que no "Tell him no" - a turn in which the leader steps forward with his left foot and then turns to the right, guiding the follower in the same direction. The follower then turns to the left, and the two dancers end up facing each other once again

Exhibela "Show (her) off" - a turn that where the follower turns left under the leaders left arm and allows them to be put at the centre.

Enchufla; Enchufla Doble "Shuffle; double shuffle"- a turn that involves the leader and the follower both stepping forward and turning 360 degrees. This move is performed with the leader holding the follower’s hand, shoulder or waist and guiding them to step forward and turn, while they do the same. This can be extended into Enchufla Doble where the turn is repeated twice and each dancer returns to their original position.

Sácala "Take (her) out" - This is a walking turn for the follower, in the shape of an oval. The Follower steps forward on “1” and on “2”, completes a walking half “turn” on steps “3-5” to the right, and the last half turn is a pivot around on count “7-8” when they are back with the leader.

Paseo; Paseo Dos & Paseo Tres "Walk, Walk 2 & 3" - these are known as cross-body leads in Linear Salsa; they involve the leader releasing the follower's right hand and moving out of the way/line, so that they can invite the follower to walk in front of them and change the direction they are facing while dancing. PaseoDos and PaseoTres are variations where the hand is not released; in PaseoDos the follower goes under the 'bridge' of the two joined hands, and in Paseo Tres the follower completes a turn while they are walking.

Paseala "Walk it" -This is another walking move where the leader guides the follower to walk around them. Beginning with leader on the left; first they use right arm to hold the follower's right arm and have them turn in front of them. Then they switch to hold with left arm, and guide the follower to walk around their back, while they step forward to create the space for them to do so. Then the follower returns to their side (and Dile que no often follows.)

Rodeo - In this combination, the dancers begin facing each other and the leader invites raises the left arm and steps forward underneath it, while also placing their right on the follower's waist to encourage the the follower to step forward also. Then the leader maintains their hold with their left arm to guide the follower to walk around them while they stay in place, until the follower returns to their original position.

A second blog post on some of the Intermediate moves will be coming soon!

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