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Have you started the new year dancing? If not, here's why you should...

As we move through February, 2023 is well and truly here and the feasting and revelry of the Christmas break, New Years celebrations and summer holiday are behind us. Perhaps you've been thinking about doing something different this year. A new challenge? Something both mentally and physically stimulating? What better way to kick off the year than with some joyful Latin dance down at the Dance on Newy studio, here in the beautiful City of Newcastle?

Dance, and especially Latin dance, is a guaranteed way to give your body a great endorphin-boost (and maybe shed a few kilos of Christmas cheer - hehe). However, it provides much more than just a physical workout. According to the Better Health Channel, a website maintained by the Victorian Department of Health, here are a few ways dance can help you mentally, emotionally as well as physically:

- improved cardiovascular health (stronger heart and lungs)

- improved muscle tone and strength

- improved coordination

- improved balance and spatial awareness

- stronger self-confidence

- stronger cognitive functioning (dance can be a mental workout as well!)

- improved social skills

- improved general wellbeing

So, with all these benefits, why not come and sign up for a class?? Come and join us on this wonderful journey into the world of Latin Dance! Visit our website and get started today.

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